Achilles Tendon Tendinopathy Treatment in Beaconsfield, Hampton Park, and Narre Warren

Achilles tendon tendinopathy is a condition that causes swelling, pain, and stiffness of the Achilles tendon that connects your calf muscles to your heel bone. This condition can be caused by repeated small injuries to the tendon. For example, runners commonly experience Achilles tendon problems because of the repetitive stress on their feet and ankles. Each tiny injury fails to heal completely and, over time, damage builds up, and the result is Achilles tendinopathy.

Runners aren’t the only people who are at risk of developing this problem. Dancers, tennis players, and anyone who regularly engages in activities that involve a lot of jumping can also experience problems with their Achilles tendons. Exercising or training in inappropriate footwear or using poor technique or form also increase your risk. Running or exercising on hard or sloped surfaces make Achilles tendinopathy more likely, as well as making an abrupt change to your training programme such as suddenly increasing the intensity or frequency of your exercise routine.

Achilles tendinopathy is more common in individuals with certain types of arthritis such as psoriatic arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis. Genetics also play a role, as do high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes. Some medications increase your risk as well.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendon Tendinopathy in Beaconsfield, Hampton Park, and Narre Warren

The main symptoms of Achilles tendinopathy include stiffness and pain around the Achilles tendon. These symptoms tend to develop gradually and may be worse first thing in the morning. If you experience severe, sudden pain and difficulty walking, these may be signs of an Achilles tendon rupture, and you should seek immediate medical treatment.

Some people notice that their symptoms are worse after exercise. Runners often feel that the discomfort is worse at the beginning of their run, eases and becomes more bearable as they work out, and then increases again once they finish running. Sometimes, Achilles tendinopathy pain can prevent you from carrying out your normal daily activities. The affected area may be painful to the touch, and swelling may be present.

Treatment for Achilles Tendon Tendinopathy in Hampton Park, Narre Warren, and Beaconsfield

Your podiatrist can diagnose Achilles tendinopathy with an examination and observation of typical symptoms. They may check for swelling or tenderness or ask you to perform some exercises that place some stress on the area. They will also ensure that there aren’t any signs of rupture. Treatment typically includes resting the affected foot by taking time off from sports and exercise. Pain medication can help relieve pain in the meantime. Ice packs may be helpful in reducing swelling. Special exercises can also help the area strengthen and heal. Sometimes, orthotics may be useful, and in severe cases, surgery may be indicated.

Langmore Podiatry

Langmore Podiatry can help with treatment for Achilles tendon tendinopathy in Narre Warren, Beaconsfield, and Hampton Park. Our more than 25 years’ experience and dedication to staying on top of the latest science-backed treatments allows us to provide each patient with excellent service. Contact us today to book a consultation and learn more about your treatment and recovery options.


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